Breaking Soul Ties | (Dephne Madyara)

Thursday, July 07, 2016


My Sis Dephne Madyara is doing an incrdible job with her courtship class. In the video below, she talks about 'Breaking Soul Ties' and also introduces us to her new book coming on bookshelves this August 1st.

If you have been struggling with;

  • Pornography
  • Masterbation
  • Fornication
  • Difficult Realtionships
  • Worldly Lust

This is a video for you.
Your life will never be the same again.

To Watch CLICK Link Below >>

For more of Dephne's material;


⇢ Website -
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⇢ Blog -

Her book is also ready for PRE-ORDERS, and you can make your order on; 

I see God moving on your behalf!
I see deliverance in your situation!
I see you moving from bondage to freedom!
I see you laughing!
I see you thriving!

It shall be SO!

With Love;


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