Ideas On How To Create Your Own 'Hosting Heaven Room' for Prayer

Saturday, July 21, 2018

My book Hosting Heaven was written in a season in which I lived and slept in a friend’s prayer room. Because the book is also about cultivating a rich and fulfilling relationship with God, these are a few tips, rules and fun ideas on How to  Create your own ‘Hosting Heaven Room’.

  1. Make your room or space a no phone zone / use a blocking app from socials
  2. Invest in a beautiful carpet for the space as per your taste
  3. Buy a warm rag that you can use in winter, so the space looks inviting
  4. Create a war-room wall where you can stick your notes for prayer points
  5. Have a special bible for your ‘Hosting Heaven’ place which has commentary for deep bibles study.
  6. Invest in a journal for note taking when God places something over your heart
  7. If you are a candle’s person, get a scented, big candle for your prayer place
  8. Have fun finding a beautiful pen you will always cherish for a noble thing as writing your life direction as inspired by God. Make everything about this place special!
  9. Download a ’10 Areas Worth Praying For’ sheet to always remind you of areas needing prayer
  10. Curate your own worship playlist or download a full concert from your favourite worship band. Have it playing slowly in the background as you press into God.
  11. Keep your Testimony Jar on your Hosting Heaven space & make sure you drop something in it weekly.
  12. Have one or two very comfortable pillows for when you want to lie prostrate in his presence and cry out to him. You can also use the pillows to sit on.
  13. If you have the privilege of having your own ‘Hosting Heaven’ room in your house, create a ‘Do not disturb’ sign for when you want to spend uninterrupted time in the presence of God.

To Download my FREE ’10 Areas Worth Praying For’ sheet for your Hosting Heaven Space – click here

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With Love


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