Affirmations | For Strength

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Every room I walk in my inner strength sustains me.

I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind.

God has straightened my back and therefore I walk tall.


I am strong in the Lord and I am strong emotionally spiritually mentally and physically.

The Lord has set my feet on solid ground.

I am unmoved. Even the young man grows tired and weary

and the old man falls into exhaustion, but as I wait on God

my strength is renewed like that of an eagle.


I do not grow weary.

I walk and do not faint.

I am free from any false burdens

and fatigue placed upon my shoulders to wear me down.


Life cannot tear me down.

The Lord sustains my weary hands and gives me stability in my feet.


I am strong in the Lord increasing daily in the strength to run for him

and to live a life daily.

I increase in capacity daily.

I increase in strength.

My spirit is soaring higher and higher.


I am above disease and the pain that is connected

to every condition that God has not assigned over my body.

I am healed for he has sent me his word to heal me.

I am strong.


I am made of the stuff that does not break.

I am strong.

I was not made to give up.

I do not see a work for I am capable.

I am infused with divine strength for every good deed.

I consider work a privilege and an opportunity to honor God for giving me

the strength and ability to work.


I am capacitated.

I am ready.

I am certified.

I am enabled.

I am permitted.


God has fused with me defined strength and ability.

The life of God is within me for every good work

laid before me in the form of opportunity.


I thrive.

I have strength to open my doors.

I have strength to walk into my doors.

I have strength to raise my voice in my door.

I have strength to stand my ground.

I have strength to navigate the corridors of power in opportunity.


I have strength to sustain my spiritual life while I'm at it.

I have the balance that is necessary.

I understand the discomfort connected to opportunities for they

require me to use my strength in new ways.


I am encouraged for I know I will be rewarded for my toil

and because I am thankful my strength allows me to be

trusted with more and more.

As it was in the days of Samson my hair will not be cut off.

My source of power will remain protected & intact from any saboteur.

I declared that there is no saboteur that will hinder my strength from

achieving God-given assignment laid upon my life.


I have the inner strength to walk out of relationships

that no longer serve me.

I have strength to detach and let go.

I have strength to move forward.


I have strength to say my good-byes.

I have strength to trust again.

As God gives me grace and ability

I am strengthened in my inner man.


I am strengthened and helped by God.

I am tenacious being strengthened with power

according to his glorious might.


I stand and receive what his promises

I have strength to extract the enemy and his schemes nothing.

No God-given assignment dies on my watch.

I have strength to stand my ground and maintain my decisions.


I have staying power.

I face life head-on for Christ is my confidence.

He keeps my feet from being cut off.

He strengthens and helps me holding me up with his righteous right hand.


I am NOT forsaken.

I have immediate help from God’s strong hand.


God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

He gives strength to the weary and power to the weak.

The Lord is faithful.

He strengthens me and protects me from the evil one.


The Lord is my rock my fortress

and my deliverer he enables me to trained on the heights.

I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.


For who is God besides our God.

Who is Lord except our God.

I am strong in my ministry.

I have strength to raise godly children.


I have strength of my vision.

I have strength for my business.

I have strength for my relationships.

I have strength for my marriage.

I have strength for every financial position I am given.

I have strength to build a game and

I have enough strength to break forth into my next level.


My strength shall be profitable to me.

Every room and I walk in my inner strength shall sustain me.

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